Do You Have Diabetes? Avoid These 10 Foods at All Costs!

Man with diabetes.
Photo by Proxima Studio –

If you have diabetes, in many ways your diet is your medicine. As diabetes educators, we help patients understand what food and beverage choices are best to avoid. When foods are high in carbohydrates, fat and sodium, they increase your risk for high blood pressure, high cholesterol, weight gain, heart disease and uncontrolled sugar.

As many as 34.2 million Americans are currently living with diabetes or prediabetes in the United States. This particular illness has caused devastating damages to patients all across the nation and, at times, it feels as though there is nothing we can do to keep it at bay.

There are things that you can do in your daily life in order to offset the impact diabetes has on both your physical and mental state. This is more than keeping up with your appointment or making sure you’re properly insured- no, this is about what you can do at home to make sure your health is thriving.

That’s why with the help of medical professionals and registered nurses we decided to come up with a list of the top 10 food offenders that you should avoid if you have diabetes.

Let’s get started!

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