Fast food Baked Potatoes
Plain baked potatoes are pretty healthy… Problems arise when you start adding all the toppings. Butter, cheddar cheese, ranch dressing, bacon, and sour cream will turn your meal into a high-sodium, fat-filled caloric bomb- definitely not good for diabetics!
You don’t have to give up on potatoes for good, though. Try making them at home and skip on all the cheese toppings and your body will be thankful!
While we’re at it, we should let you know that the same goes for any cheese-covered appetizers, including nachos.
Anything Fried
We hope you all know by now that fried foods aren’t good for anyone. But they’re especially bad for diabetics. Here’s why!
The fat that you’ll absorb after eating anything fried will lead to high cholesterol and weight gain. These factors contribute to the risk of developing diabetes. If you already have diabetes, then they can worsen your condition.
Avoid french fries and fried chicken and try baking or broiling your own food. Air fryers have gained a lot of popularity nowadays and more and more websites have come up with delicious recipes for you to try out!