It’s time to go grocery shopping but, what do you know, you still have some stuff left in the fridge. You’re probably thinking that you should start throwing some things out as they either just passed their expiration date or they’re very close.
So, what do you do? Do you buy new, fresh groceries? Before you make a decision and overspend, here’s what you need to know about what foods you can or can’t keep in the fridge past their expiration date!
What makes milk not only delicious but safe to drink and store is the process of pasteurization which gets rid of harmful bacteria. But the process can’t stop other bacteria from growing, especially if you don’t refrigerate your milk.
The dates on your milk, either ‘best before’, ‘sell by’ or ‘use before’ aren’t always accurate and, in some cases, these labels don’t actually tell you when the milk will go bad. Seeing as one or two sips or sour milk won’t make you ill in most cases, you can taste it in order to test it out. Does it smell and taste bad? Then you can throw it out and buy a new carton.