Do You Feel Bloated After a Meal? Here Are 13 Foods to Watch Out For!

Bloated man.
Photo by Koldunova Anna –

Do you recognize that uneasy, swollen feeling in your stomach after every meal? Bloating is most commonly caused by gas, but other digestive issues could be the culprits behind this irritable disposition.

As many as 16% to 30% of people experience bloating regularly, and though there are things you can do to tackle the issue in your own home, you might also want to check in with your doctor. While bloating can be fixed with a proper diet, you may need to check any possible underlying medical conditions.

Today we’ve decided to write up a list of foods that can cause bloating, meaning you should definitely avoid them, and a few clever ideas as to what you should replace them with!

1. Beans

Though beans might be a clever dietary choice due to their huge amount of fibers, vitamins, minerals, protein, and carbs (the healthy kind!) some people might want to stay away from them because they can cause bloating.

They also contain sugars that belong to a group of carbs known as FODMAPs, called alpha-galactosides. Fermentable oligo-, di-, mono-saccharides and polyols, FODMAPs) These are short-chained carbohydrates that manage to escape digestion. They are fermented by gut bacteria in the colon, producing gas as a byproduct.

This process can be even more uncomfortable for people that suffer from irritable bowel syndrome. They can experience bloating, cramping, flatulence, and diarrhea.

In order to reduce the FODMAPs you can start the sprouting process in the beans by soaking them in water, just make sure to change the water several times.

If this still doesn’t help then consider swapping them out with other healthy products such as grains, quinoa, and meat.

What if you don’t want to give up beans at all? Well, then it’s time to experiment with different kinds of beans. Start off with black beans and pinto beans, just make sure to soak them first!

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