2. Lentils
Here’s another legume that could make you feel bloated after a meal. Though they’re healthy due to high amounts of fiber, protein, carbs, iron, copper, manganese, and other minerals, you might want to swamp them out of your diet if they’re making you feel uncomfortable.
Dark lentils have been observed to cause more irritability than light colors ones, so try those instead!
Lentils cause bloating due to their high amounts of fiber. People who don’t normally eat much fiber might feel even more uncomfortable after their meal. Similarly to beans, they contain FODMAPs too, which we’ve learned contribute to producing gas in excessive amounts.
Try to soak or sprout the lentils as they could go easier on your digestive system.
3. Carbonated Drinks
You don’t always have to finish your meal to feel bloated. Oftentimes, carbonated drinks can cause the same uncomfortable symptoms! Why? Because they contain a gas called carbon dioxide in high amounts.
Naturally, you swallow all of this gas when you drink. It later becomes trapped in your digestive system. Bloating is a more mild symptom, as some people may even experience cramping.
It’s always a good idea to stick to plain water, but you can drink tea, coffee, or water with some fruit flavors.