Do You Feel Bloated After a Meal? Here Are 13 Foods to Watch Out For!

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12. Sugar Alcohols

Are you looking for healthy, sugar-free foods? What about chewing gum? Then you might want to check the ingredients list for sugar alcohols, typically used in these types of products. Look for sorbitol, mannitol and xylitol.

You guessed it, these are also FODMAPS, which we’ve already established could cause bloating in certain people. These FODMAPS in particular, reach the large intestine unchanged, meaning that our gut bacteria can start feeding on them, causing discomfort.

If you still want to buy sugar-free options then check the ingredients list for erythritol since it’s easier on digestion. Stevia is also a good alternative.

13. Beer

Who doesn’t like a good brew? Watch out, though, as indulging in one too many cold ones could cause “beer belly”. This isn’t just fat, it also refers to bloating.

It’s not surprising, though, since beer is a carbonated drink made from sources of fermented carbs such as maize, barley, rice, wheat. Add to that yeast and water and you’re looking at a bloating disaster.

As we know, these gasses and fermentable carbs lead to this particular discomfort. Not only that but beer also often contains gluten.

As we said earlier, it’s best to just drink water… but if you’re looking for alcoholic alternatives then you should try red or white wine or spirits instead.


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