Brain Boosting Foods:
Blueberries: They’re shown to generally do amazing things for the memory and the brain. Old rats that are fed blueberries score the same on memory tests as young rats. Not to mention they make a great, healthy snack!
But just a reminder: the purpose of berries in our ancestral diet was actually to fatten us for winter. So this may not be an “all year round” type of option! They are so small but provide so many great health benefits.
This berry is one of the highest antioxidant-rich foods you can find and includes vitamin C, K, and fiber.
Also, they will boost concentration and memory for up to five hours because they stimulate the blood flow and the oxygen in your brain.
On top of that, they’re also rich in gallic acid, which is known to protect the brain from degeneration and oxidative stress.
Tip: Just add one cup of them to your oatmeal. It will taste amazing, like an all-natural piece of candy.