Mind Games!
Playing mind games, whether it’s a crossword puzzle, Sudoku, or Scrabble, engages your brain in some play most days of the week. And try to mix up your games. It’s like building muscles. Your brain will adapt as it grows stronger in one skill, so you must keep challenging it in new ways. Now that’s some food for thought!
For example, take Sudoku, which is an ancient logical game that combines numbers and puzzles. It’s a perfect solution for adventurous individuals who enjoy playing with numbers. The thing that makes it even more feasible is that you can download the Sudoku app and train the brain whenever you have a few minutes to spare or simply feel like doing so. Or you can even get trivial!
Once a week, meet up with some friends or family and play Trivial Pursuit or some other trivia-based game. When you remember historical facts or pop culture tidbits, it can help work your brain in new ways!