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8 Cancer-Fighting Foods You Should Be Eating More Of

Photo by Lana_M from Envato

4. Artichokes

They are an amazing source of silymarin, an antioxidant that may help prevent skin cancer, explains Tribole. Also, the flavonoids found in these delicious veggies are actually aggressive cancer-killing agents that lead to rapid cancer-cell deaths.

If you want to eat these tasty veggies and take advantage of their superpowers, you should peel off the tough outer leaves at the base, slice the bottom, and cut off the spiky top. Then boil or steam until tender, about 30-45 minutes. Drain. Dip each leaf in a vinaigrette or garlic mayonnaise, then gently tear the fibrous covering off with your front teeth, working your way inward to the tender heart. Once there, gently scoop the bristles from the middle of the heart, dip in a little butter or lemon juice, and enjoy.

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