14 Healthy Foods You Should Eat Every Day

Photo by Vikif / Envato Elements

Sauerkraut or other fermented foods

According to nutritionists, sauerkraut is classified as fermented food and has a lot of health benefits. Sauerkraut contains fiber, vitamin C, vitamin K1, iron, manganese, vitamin B6 and potassium. 

“It all comes back to the gut-brain connection,” said Dr. Josh Axe, D.N.M., C.N.S., D.C., founder of Ancient Nutrition and DrAxe.com. “Feed your gut right and the benefits ripple out into all other areas of your body.”

“These foods help people digest better, produce certain B vitamins, and restore your digestive system after a course of antibiotics,” added Bolte-Ruiz.

Moreover, fermentation found in sauerkraut contains beneficial probiotics that improve your digestion and eliminate gas, bloating, constipation and diarrhea. 

People who want to lose weight should consume sauerkraut because they are low in calories and high in fiber.

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