14 Healthy Foods You Should Eat Every Day

Photo by Prostock-studio / Envato Elements

Whole grains

Opinions about whole grains are divided, some believe they should be avoided because they contain carbohydrates, others say that they are beneficial to our health because they provide certain nutrients needed by our body to function normally. 

However, many studies have shown that whole grains can help reduce the risk of diabetes, heart disease and high blood pressure, but if consumed in moderate amounts. 

“The brain uses carbs as fuel, and if no carbs are present, you might feel light-headed and irritable, along with having a difficult time concentrating and focusing. Despite what everyone believes, not all carbs are bad,” explained Bolte-Ruiz.

“Fiber-rich complex carbs have been linked to a decrease in cognitive impairments, while the folate found whole grains is necessary for proper brain development, mental health, and well-being,” she added.

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