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7 Ways Seafood Can Improve Your Body

Photo by Africa Studio at Shutterstock

Eye Sight

I would consider eyesight to be the most important of our five senses, yet not many know how to preserve it. Our eyes are working at all times, and we need to prevent it from various diseases. People are constantly using their laptops or staring at their smartphones, and the results can impact our vision. The leading cause of vision impairment as we age is macular degeneration. Studies find that regularly consuming fish has decreased the risk of developing macular degeneration and neovascular macular degeneration.

Eating oil-rich fish can help to keep the eyes bright and healthy. Most people assume that eyesight only starts to decline as we age. Dimming of the vision can happen at any age, and it is not an inevitable part of old age. The omega-3 in seafood doesn’t just help developing kids’ eyesight, and they also help vision in adults.

Eating fish can protect our eyes from dry eye syndrome, which is an irritating condition (literally) because your eyes do not produce enough fluid. Dry eye syndrome can result in itchy red eyes and can be painful sometimes. The inflammation may irritate the eye and would occasionally contribute to blurry vision. However, you must eat fish or fish oil to reduce the soreness caused by a dry eye. It can even prevent that blurry vision episode.

Fun fact: Eating shell and finfish can also boost your night vision.

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