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7 Ways Seafood Can Improve Your Body

Photo by Lightspring at Shutterstock


Seafood provides essential nutrients. However, this depends on which type of seafood you consume. Seafood is known for being a natural source of vitamins and minerals. Some fish, such as salmon, are rich in vitamin A, which helps protect vision and boosts the immune and reproductive system’s capabilities. Another vitamin found in some seafood is vitamin D, which promotes healthy bone growth, calcium absorption and encourages your immune system and cell growth.

A diet rich in seafood is especially beneficial for children while developing from their fetal stage through childhood. Omega-3 fatty acids and selenium are essential nutrients that pregnant women and growing children receive from seafood. Omega-3 helps in the evolution of the central nervous system, improves immunity, and reduces the risk of asthma in specific allergies and diabetes.

Selenium, which is an antioxidant found in fish, also boosts the immune system. Eating a 6 oz serving of omega-3 rich fish once or twice a week is recommended for pregnant and nursing mothers and children. However, expectant mothers and young children need to avoid eating raw or uncooked fish (such as sushi) that may contain microorganisms and fish that may have high levels of mercury, which blocks brain function and growth. The best way to accomplish this is to avoid fish such as tuna, mackerel, swordfish, northern pike, tilefish, and shark.

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