12 Things the FDA Has Banned (for Good Reasons)

Photo by Aleksandr Pogudin – Shutterstock.com

Flavored E-Cigs

Smoking has long been considered a deadly vice by medical experts, but that hasn’t stopped a large portion of our population from, let’s say, indulging in it. It has been around for centuries and a ban on cigarettes would, at this point, truly be seen as n infringement on the population’s rights.

But E-Cigs haven’t been around nearly as long, so it’s no wonder that cracking down them has been met with less opposition. At one point considered a safer alternative to smoking, nowadays experts say that they still pose a threat to our health.

Long-term studies are still needed in order to figure out the exact consequences of smoking E-cigarettes, but one thing’s for sure. They’re incredibly addictive. Vaping is terrible for your lungs, so it’s no wonder that the FDA has attempted to put an end to it, especially as it was marketed towards teens and preteens.

The companies behind vaping started using marketing techniques of centuries past that put cigarettes in the hands of the younger generation. That’s why at the beginning of 2020, the FDA said no more and put a ban on flavored e-cigarettes in the hopes of making them less alluring to younger people.

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