10. Meat-flavored rice
As a general rule, if you read ‘flavored,’ you should run for the hills. Food manufacturers add lots of sodium and MSG to enhance their products’ flavor, boxed rice mixers included. Pine says that people who are more prone to get migraines can react really badly to MSG.
See also: 10 Food Staples Every Well-Stocked Kitchen Has
Just avoid anything that claims to be something that it isn’t. It only takes like 20 minutes to prep your own pilaf. Better yet, you have many types of rice to choose from. Our recommendation would be black or brown rice.
11. Pre-grilled chicken breasts
Another popular food found at the supermarket is pre-frilled chicken breast. Ask yourself one question… Do you really think that the pre-grilled chicken breast you’re about to buy (therefore eat) was made earlier that day? No? Then why are you buying it?
Like many other pre-made foods, pre-grilled chicken breasts contain tons of sodium and stuff that make them have a longer shelf life.