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10 Foods to Detoxify Your Body After the Holidays


Dandelion greens are an old secret that has become new again. If you have grandparents who grew up in the rural south or rural Midwest, there is a good chance that dandelion greens joined collard, turnip, and mustard greens in their menu rotation while they were growing up. What your grandparents probably understood back then was that these greens were cheap, if not free, plentiful, and delicious when prepared the right way.

What we know now is that dandelions are a great food for boosting liver function and eliminating toxins from your body. You may not be able to find dandelion greens at your local chain grocery store; however, you may be able to find them at a health food store or buy them online.

If you decide to forage the plant yourself, be sure to stay away from any areas that get sprayed with chemical fertilizers or bug sprays. If you have never eaten dandelions, treat them like you would another bitter green such as rocket.

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