You will be less likely to experience acid reflux
Unfortunately, people who eat red meats are prone to acid reflux, also known as heartburn, which is actually a burning sensation in the throat and tension in the stomach.
As we said before, red meat contains more fats than other types of meat, so this can be the cause of acid reflux. If you want to improve your digestive system you should reduce your red meat intake.
“Red meat produces a high acidic load for the body to absorb and neutralize,” explains Warren. “Plus, high acidity in the body creates the perfect environment for disease. Add stress and poor sleep to the mix and you’ve lowered your resistance to high-mortality illnesses like cancer and diabetes.”
In addition, if you want to feel less bloated, you have to pay more attention to your diet and you can start by reducing your red meat intake. The explanation is that your body needs more time and power to digest red meat (than other foods) and this is why you may feel bloated, constipated, or experience abdominal pain. Red meat, such as beef, lamb, or pork, contains high amounts of iron – so, constipation can be the result of ingesting too much iron.
According to some studies, eating too much red meat can lead to bowel cancer over time. Instead, you can opt for 100g or 200g of red meat just twice a week or even less often – and of course, don’t eat fried meat!