13. Olive Oil
A Mediterranean staple for sure, olive oil has endless health benefits. However, when it comes to heart health, researchers all over the world tried to figure out its effects (that’s why we have many studies regarding olive oil consumption).
Because it’s abundant in antioxidants, olive oil can ease inflammation and minimize the risk of many chronic diseases. It is also extremely rich in monounsaturated fatty acids, and we already know that this means: improved heart health.
A study in 7,216 individuals at high risk of developing heart disease showed that those who consumed olive oil had a 35 percent decreased risk of developing heart disease than those who didn’t.
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Furthermore, a study associated olive oil consumption with a 48 percent lower risk of dying from any heart-related diseases. So, what do you think? Will you drizzle some olive oil over your favorite meals now?
14. Edamame
Edamame is a great source of flavonoids, especially soy isoflavone ones that are known for lowering cholesterol levels and boosting heart health. Several studies showed that soy isoflavones could minimize total cholesterol by even 3.9 mg/dL and LDL cholesterol by up to 5 mg/dL.
Additionally, consuming at least 50 grams of soy isoflavones sources such as edamame (per day) could decrease LDL cholesterol by 3 percent.
However, good sources of soy isoflavones aren’t enough to see big changes in your overall health. Doctors suggest combining a healthy diet with a healthy lifestyle.
A study showed that this type of living could decrease total cholesterol levels by 10 percent, meaning that those who are mindful of their eating habits and patterns could benefit from a 15 percent lower risk of dying from heart disease.
Remember that exercising is equally important to maintain your heart in its best possible shape. Along with a healthy diet, your heart will most definitely thank you!
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- 12 Foods You Should Eat When You’re Sick
- 30 Foods Your Doctors Will Avoid – and You Should Too!
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