Which Foods Should You or Shouldn’t You Keep Past the Expiration Date?

Photo by PickOne – Shutterstock.com


You should always follow the use-by date when it comes to fish- not doing so could lead to food poisoning. You can keep the fish in the fridge for one or two days before cooking, but if you want to store it for longer then you’re going to have to freeze it.

Ground Pork

We’ve already covered ground beef, so what about ground pork? Keep the expiry date in mind when handling it, since it can also develop harmful bacteria and make you sick. Cook and consume yours within two days of purchasing and, as mentioned earlier, make sure that when you do cook it there are no pink bits left.

In order to avoid food poisoning, cook it to 160°F or 71°C.

Unpasteurized Juices

You’ve recently bought a bottle of unpasteurized juice, haven’t even opened it, and are contemplating whether to drink it or throw it away.

Sadly, cold-pressed juices should only be kept for two to five days after they’ve been made, otherwise, they’ll go bad whether or not you’ve opened the bottle. The same goes for home-made ones.

Follow the expiration date and you should be safe!

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