30 Foods Your Doctors Will Avoid – and You Should Too!

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Artificially colored foods

Color additives are closely regulated by the FDA, so they’re seen as pretty safe for consumers. There also isn’t any scientific evidence that says they’re harmful but some doctors still believe we should steer clear of them until more studies are made.

Basically, if you find any color followed by a number on the ingredient’s list of any product, some doctors say you should put that item back on the shelf. Take Yellow 5, also known as tartrazine, which has been linked to ADHD and cancer. Blue 1, also known as brilliant blue has been shown to cause allergic reactions as it is derived from coal tars.

These colors may make your food look fun, but is that worth it?


A controversial pick for most people, we know, but it’s not without merit!

Doctors don’t eat bacon not because they don’t think it’s delicious. In fact, that’s one of the reasons. Eating bacon may even feel addictive because it’s so tasty. The downside? It has very minimal nutritional value, but it’s full of fat and cholesterol.

Well, OK, it does have SOME nutritional value… Bacon contains selenium, phosphorous and, of course, protein. But compared to the content of fat and cholesterol, it’s not really worth it. Other foods are far healthier and more balanced.

If your overall diet is healthy, then having bacon from time to time isn’t the end of the world, just be careful! Moderate amounts are key. Have some for breakfast from time to time but make sure the rest of your meals are leaner and richer in nutrients and you should be fine!


You’d be surprised by how many medical practitioners have sworn off bread- in some cases, some have even gone as far as to avoid pasta.

So, where’s the problem?

Actually, bread and pasta have three problems. They’re harmful due to their high glycemic index, especially for people who are susceptible to such foods. If you want to keep your insulin level low, stick to low-glycemic choices.

Secondly, they are not whole foods and most doctors prefer healthy, man-made options for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Lastly, they’re so delicious that many people get addicted to them. If you’ve eaten bread your whole life, ask yourself if you could give it up just like that. Not so easy to imagine, is it?

Science has proven that we absorb more nutrients from foods we enjoy, however, and bread contains a lot of fibers and Vitamin B, two very important elements to any diet. That’s why every nutritional expert under the sun will recommend whole foods right in fibers and Vitamin B.

So, will you give up bread, too?

Breakfast sandwiches

Most doctors are enraged at the sheer idea of breakfast sandwiches and we think they have a point!

First off they’re incredibly tasty and at our fingertips at all times. Wherever you live, if you’re heading towards work you could easily pop into any store for one or two of these to enjoy before clocking in, and the fact that they’re so easily accessible makes them all the more harmful.

It’s what’s on the inside that counts, right? So it goes with the ingredients used in these sandwiches. We wouldn’t go as far as to call whatever is inside them meat but rather a meat-like goo that even the World Health Organization has classified as carcinogenic. Add the bread, extra sauce, and meager doses of ‘healthy’ additions such as a few leafy greens and you’ve got yourself a recipe for disaster, not to mention the processed cheese.

Putting together your own sandwich in the morning isn’t difficult. Get your meat from a trusted source, make sure you add in plenty of fresh ingredients, and go easy on the sauce!

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