Meat and Poultry
Meat and poultry are so ubiquitous it’s hard to imagine they’d pose a danger to consumers. But despite how careful the industry is, it’s virtually impossible to make sure that these types of meat are 100% safe.
As many as 29% of all deaths caused by foodborne illnesses originate in meat and poultry, so the next time you’re planning your lunch or dinner, think twice about the safety of your meal.
In fact, the CDC reports that food pathogens are even bigger killers than allergens or toxic chemicals. One in every six people gets sick from food each year and a further 3,000 people die as a result of ingesting harmful foods.
Avoiding such sicknesses isn’t as difficult as it might seem. You need to ensure that your meat and poultry are cooked at appropriate temperatures: 160 degrees for poultry and ground beef, 145 for cuts of beef and pork.