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25 of the Healthiest Foods to Eat

Photo by djero.adlibeshe from Shutterstock

1. Spinach

We think Popeye the Sailor Man was the wisest American cartoon character ever since spinach was his favorite veggie. It contains a pretty good amount of protein, it is abundant in the vitamins C and A, and as if that weren’t enough, it also packs some folate, which does wonders to our hearts.

Just to clear things up, only one cup of spinach has approximately the same amount of protein as a hard-boiled egg. Plus, if you want to lose weight, we’d suggest swapping that hard-boiled egg with a cup of spinach since the latter has half the calories.

However, opt for steaming, rather than sautéing. Steaming it will most likely keep spinach’s vitamins and minerals while helping your body to absorb its calcium content even better. The best part? Spinach is a really versatile veggie!

You can add it to your omelets, pasta, soups, and even smoothies.

2. Mustard Greens

Another nutritious veggie that deserves its title is mustard greens. If you opt to steam a cup of mustard greens, you’ll most likely get approximately 96 percent of your RDI for vitamin A, 922 percent for vitamin K, and around 47 percent of your vitamin C.

We know… that’s quite impressive for a veggie. But that’s not all!

Mustard greens have countless disease-fighting properties due to their high glucosinolate content. These plant chemicals called glucosinolates are basically what your body transforms into isothiocyanate, the compounds that have been linked to preventing cancer development.

3. Kale

There’s no wonder why kale is always in the spotlight… Kale is probably one of the healthiest veggies out there! Even McDonald’s uses it these days… It is loaded with several minerals and vitamins like phosphorus, folate, vitamin A, and twice the amount of vitamin C compared to spinach.

Studies suggest that this cruciferous green may even guard against heart disease. A study published in the JRSM Cardiovascular Disease pointed out that a high cruciferous green consumption can minimize the risk of developing certain types of cardiovascular diseases.

Like spinach, kale is also versatile. So you have literally no excuse to avoid it while shopping!

Photo by Rashid Valitov from Shutterstock

4. Sun-Dried Tomatoes

All tomatoes are abundant in the antioxidant called lycopene, and numerous studies have shown that this antioxidant can minimize the risk of certain types of cancers like stomach, prostate, bladder, skin, and lung cancers. It appears that lycopene can also reduce the incidence of coronary artery disease.

One cup of sun-dried tomatoes packs around 6 grams of protein, 7 of fiber, and almost 75 percent of your RDA for potassium, which is extremely important for tissue repair and heart health. On top of that, sun-dried tomatoes are also rich in vitamins K and A.

If you’re not sure how to include them into your diet, you can easily sprinkle some over your home-made pizza.

5. Artichokes

Ever heard of ghrelin? No? Well, it is usually known as the hunger hormone. Consuming high-protein and high-fiber foods can make you feel satisfied and full for longer, and artichokes are what you need to accomplish just that.

One medium-sized artichoke packs almost 40 percent of the daily fiber a healthy woman needs, and it has the greatest protein amount compared to other vegetables. You can boil, steam, grill, or sauté.


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