15. Kiwifruit
Another fruit that has impressive laxative properties is a furry one, namely kiwifruit. Being incredibly tasty, kiwifruit can ease constipation mainly because of its high fiber content. Almost 180 grams of kiwifruit pack 5.3 grams of fiber. This is more than 20 percent of the recommended daily intake for adults.
Besides soluble and insoluble fiber, kiwifruit also contains pectin, a type of fiber found in fruits with laxative effects. Pectin works as a laxative by increasing digestive tract movement.
A study looked at the effects of kiwifruit consumption on both healthy and constipated individuals. After four weeks, researchers said that eating kiwifruit for boosting digestive health is excellent as it relieves constipation by accelerating transit time.
Read also: 10 Ordinary Fruits With Extraordinary Health Benefits
16. Coffee
Coffee consumption is often associated with the urge to use the toilet, and for good reasons. Coffee stimulates colon muscles, and this eventually leads to a bathroom trip.
This energy beverage booster has unique effects on a hormone released after eating, called gastrin. This hormone promotes gastric acid secretion that helps break down the foods we eat. Furthermore, gastrin can increase intestinal muscle movement, resulting in better intestinal transit and improved bowel movement.
Some studies pointed out that caffeinated coffee may be better than water. It appears that caffeinated coffee could stimulate the digestive tract up to 60 percent more than the good ol’ water.
Speaking of energy… Here Are 7 Healthy Foods That Will Give You More Energy Than Coffee!
1 thought on “18 Foods That Work as Natural Laxatives”
So, how about those of us who have UC Crohn’s what should we be eating?