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10 Healthy Alternatives to Junk Food

We know that it can be tempting to indulge in treats and over-eat. A chocolate bar here, a burger there – what’s the harm? While there’s no problem with a bit of indulgence from time to time, regularly eating unhealthy food can cause a whole host of health issues, including heart conditions, stroke and type 2 diabetes.

The NHS advises that “within a healthy, balanced diet, a man needs around 10,500kJ (2,500Kcal) a day to maintain his weight. For a woman, that figure is around 8,400kJ (2,000Kcal) a day.”

If you’re not a fan of carrot sticks and celery, here are some healthier alternatives to some unhealthy foods. Swapping one for the other can enable you to carry on eating the same kinds of things, while doing your health a favor. Check out the 10 healthy alternatives to junk food!

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