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12 Foods to Lower Your High Blood Pressure Naturally

Photo by Dani Vincek from Shutterstock

7. Broccoli

Hated by the many, but loved by those who truly appreciate its health benefits, this cruciferous veggie is for sure one-of-a-kind. Adding plenty of broccoli to your diet is a surefire way to minimize your blood pressure levels.

How so? Well… broccoli contains flavonoid antioxidants that can lower blood pressure by increasing blood vessel function and boosting the nitric oxide levels found in your body.

A recent study even said that the vast majority of participants lowered their risk of high blood pressure only by consuming 4 servings of this cruciferous veggie per week. So, are you consuming enough broccoli?

Other impressive benefits of broccoli:

  • reducing inflammation
  • promoting gut health
  • protecting against certain types of cancers
  • aiding blood sugar control
  • supporting heart health
  • slowing mental decline

You can even consume it raw!

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