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12 Foods to Lower Your High Blood Pressure Naturally

Photo by Tatjana Baibakova from Shutterstock

12. Pistachios

Who doesn’t love pistachios? I mean… they are the first thing that pops into my head when I’m watching my favorite Netflix show. If you resonate with me, you’re really lucky, because pistachios are very nutritious.

Pistachios consumption has been shown to provide healthy blood pressure levels. Due to their potassium content (and other essential minerals and nutrients), pistachios are great for heart health and, of course, blood pressure regulation. Plus, they taste A-MA-ZING!

Clearly, there is scientific research that confirms all of the above. A study involving 1076 participants concluded that among all nuts, pistachios had the strongest effects when it comes to minimizing both systolic and diastolic blood pressure.

Other impressive benefits of pistachios:

  • delaying age-related macular degeneration
  • protecting against certain cancers
  • aiding blood flow
  • increasing feelings of fullness
  • boosting healthy gut bacteria
  • lowering blood sugar

Fun fact: A 2-ounce serving of pistachios has more potassium than a large banana.

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