If you tried at least once to keep a healthy lifestyle then you know how expensive it can be, which is why most people decide to quit in the first place.
We get it, we don’t blame you, I myself tried a couple of times before having my wallet drained out.
The thing is, it’s getting harder and harder to maintain a healthy eating routine under these conditions and so WHAT can you do?
We came up with these smart ways through which you can stay away from junk and save money at the same time. Don’t believe us? Read the full story down below.
1. Planning Your Meals Is Essential
Prepare your meals ahead of the week and then make a grocery list. Then, check the fridge to see what kind of food you have left in there and you can use for the upcoming meals.
That way you won’t have to throw away food you didn’t consume in time and it’s now expired.
Organizing weekly meals is also good because you have an idea of what you’re gonna purchase from the store and you won’t buy unnecessary things which later will be in dumpster.
2. It’s Vital To Stick To Your Grocery List
Raise your hand if you ever found yourself buying products that weren’t on your list. I get it, it happens all the time.
But you see this is a huge problem because that way you will always be way over your budget.
No matter how hard you want to buy that ice cream or those chips, remember if it’s not on the list it’s a big NO.
Trust us, at the end of the day you will be happy you didn’t waste that money.
3. Why Don’t You Give Cooking At Home A Shot?
One of the major problems all people must be having is ordering food or eating out. It’s very expensive comparing it to cooking a meal at home.
Try it a couple of times and give restaurants and takeaways a break, you might actually like it.
You can try out new recipes, make larger portions and be as creative as you would like without draining your bank account.
4. Use Leftovers
There’s a common feeling everyone experienced at least once that once you open something and leave half of it in the fridge it gets nasty.
But that is not the case at all. And if you feel like food is losing its taste and color once you left it open in the fridge, eat it the next day and it shall be just fine.
Throwing away leftovers is just a waste of money, really.
5. NEVER Shop When You Feel Hungry
Don’t go into a shopping spree for food when you’re hungry. I, personally, made that mistake so many times and I always end up regretting it.
When you’re hungry you feel like you could eat everything in sight and that is why it’s not a good idea to go shopping, you end up breaking the piggy bank and eat a whole bunch of stuff.
6. Whole Foods Are Cheaper
Buying a block of cheese is way cheaper than sliced one, consider buying whole foods and watch yourself save some more money.
7. Generic Brands Are Also CheaperÂ
Almost every product has a generic brand, which is less expensive than the popular brands.
The majority have even the same quality as the expensive one, however read the ingredient list to make sure you’re not getting a bad quality one.
8. In Case Of Sales You Should Stock Up
If you are certain that you will use the same product in the future, then buy as much as you can when it’s on sale.
You will end up saving money later.
9. Frozen Fruits And Vegetables Are CheaperÂ
Because fruits and vegetables are in season for a limited time, they tend to be more expensive during the rest of the year because they are not that easy to find.
Frozen ones are larger in quantity and cheaper. Plus, the taste is just the same.
10. Why Don’t You Try And Grow Your Own Products?
Starting to grow some vegetables or fruits or even getting some chickens could a very fun activity. It can even become a hobby, if you have the time for one.
12. Pack A LunchÂ
Like we said before it’s better if you avoid eating out or ordering from restaurants and takeaways because it’s more expensive than preparing your own meal.
That is why you should pack a meal for work at least four days a week.
13. Be Wise When It Comes To Coupons
Coupons are our best friend. But make sure you use them on stuff that will be useful around the house like cleaning products or other things like that.
That way you can have a bigger budget for your food.
14. Try Other Retailers
You can start shopping from smaller and cheaper retailers it will save you a fortune.