7. Beans
All beans pack resistant starch, and it appears that they are able to boost heart health by decreasing blood levels of both cholesterol and triglycerides. In fact, many studies have found that bean consumption can minimize several risk factors for heart disease.
Pinto beans are particularly good for reducing LDL cholesterol levels and triglycerides, as studies suggest. Overall, a diet high in beans (no matter the type) can reduce the risk of developing any heart-related diseases.
Try to consume them as often as you can. Enjoy beans in your fresh salads, cooked or boiled!
8. Dark Chocolate
Another rich source of antioxidants is the old-fashioned dark chocolate, and since antioxidants are essential for good heart health, dark chocolate should be your favorite snack. Multiple studies have associated dark chocolate consumption with a lower risk of developing heart disease.
One of them demonstrated that people who tend to eat dark chocolate at least four times a week could see a 50 percent lower risk of coronary heart disease than those who don’t eat at all. A different study found that eating dark chocolate at least twice a week could lower the chances of developing calcified plaque in your arteries by 30 percent.
Sadly, not all dark chocolate bars are created equal. Make sure to select a high-quality one. Look for at least 70 percent cocoa content, and remember that moderation is key.