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The Foods That Pose a Higher Risk of Developing Cancer

Photo by jdwfoto from Shutterstock

6. Deep fried foods

Deep frying is probably the tastiest way to cook something, just ask the majority of our Southern States, but it’s far from being healthy. Deep fried foods are often associated with numerous types of cancers including breast cancer, pancreatic cancer and esophageal cancer.

When you heat oil at high temperatures, it can break down carcinogenic compounds. Plus, the levels tend to increase the longer you keep those chicken wings in oil. Stick to slow cooking, or pressure cooking as often as you can–they are actually the healthiest ways to cook (along with sous vide).

Or, even better, avoid deep fried foods at all costs. Eating them is a no-no for our health. Instead, try to make some healthy changes to your meals, and if you’re interested in several diets that can actually lower your risk of developing cancer, look no further than this article.

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