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12 Foods to Lower Your High Blood Pressure Naturally

Photo by Melica from Shutterstock

4. Pumpkin seeds

All seeds are small, but when you look at their impressive benefits, you might be tempted to say they are the best disease fighter. As tiny as they are, pumpkin seeds are amazing sources of arginine, magnesium, and potassium, all of them being responsible for lowering blood pressure.

Arginine, in particular, is a powerful amino acid that aids the production of nitric oxide, a compound crucial for blood pressure reduction as well as blood vessel relaxation.

So, wherever you go, take a handful of pumpkin seeds with you.

Pumpkin seed oil is also beneficial. A recent study involving 23 women concluded that only 3 grams of this oil taken daily for about 6 weeks could significantly reduce systolic blood pressure.

Other impressive benefits of pumpkin seeds:

  • reducing inflammation in the body
  • minimizing the risk of certain cancers
  • improving bladder health
  • lowering blood sugar levels
  • boosting sleep quality
  • maintaining heart health

You might be interested in reading our article about the best cancer-fighting diets!

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