30 Foods Your Doctors Will Avoid – and You Should Too!

Bowl of granola.
Photo by Milen Kanev – Shutterstock.com


Granola is generally seen as a fun, healthy addition to yogurt. But many doctors challenge our decision to incorporate it into our diets.

That’s because most granola you’ll find on shelves is packed with sugars, so whatever health benefits you’ve been planning on getting from these bars will be completely offset by these additions.

Fructose is especially dangerous because it messes your hormones up, especially those that regulate hunger. The more you eat, the hungrier you get! If you want to balance your snack out, pair it with healthy proteins such as Greek yogurt in order to keep your blood sugar low.

On top of that, you can make your own granola at home, there are plenty of recipes online!

Hot dogs

Hot dogs, while yummy, can be very harmful. It’s not just doctors that think so, either. The World Health Organization warned consumers of the dangers of processed meats. And hot dogs? They’re quite literally stuffed with processed meats!

They’re full of carcinogens, so even though that hot dog stand may be giving off an alluring aroma, stay away from it and think about your health (twice, if it helps!) before whipping out your wallet!

Ice cream

Warm, summer days and ice cream go hand in hand… but doctors think they shouldn’t!

Some doctors have even gone as far as to say that ice cream is the worst food for humans! Why? Well, you’re basically eating pasteurized dairy mixed with chemicals and hormones on a stick.

So even if you’re thinking that milk is healthy, remember that pasteurization changes the proteins inside of it. The added sugars and saturated fats also don’t help…

Microwave popcorn

If you’re ready to binge-watch your favorite TV show, think twice about popping some microwave popcorn. Some packages have been known to contain cancer-causing chemicals.

If there are healthier options, pick those off the shelf instead. You can also make your own popcorn. That way you know you won’t expose yourself to harmful chemicals if reading the nutritional labels off microwave popcorn packages feels like you’re reading a foreign language!

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