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The 30 Healthiest Foods Nutritionists Eat Every Day

Photo by tycoon101 from Envato Elements

24. Broccoli

Just because you hated it in your childhood, you don’t have to repeat that in your adulthood. “In addition to being loaded with bone-building vitamin K and absorbable calcium, broccoli is an alkalizing food that’s been linked to greater bone density and reduced bone loss in postmenopausal women,” says Kotsopoulos.

“It’s also rich in nerve-calming magnesium, folate for pregnant women, and fiber that helps keep you full and aids in weight-loss.” Plus, broccoli contains indole-3-carbinols (I-3-C), which helps eliminate excess estrogen from the body that can cause belly fat, and that stubborn extra weight in hips and thighs.

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