While many “experts” boast the benefits of keto and other diets, the Mediterranean diet has a successful track record that dates back centuries. The Mediterranean diet was declared the healthiest diet in 2019. We know that a diet filled with plant foods, olive oil, with a few good fats is safe.
While most diets focus on eliminating at least one food group, typically carbs, this diet focuses on eating all food groups in moderation, emphasizing seasonal fruits and vegetables. We also know that low-fat diets don’t work, particularly for weight loss. Science has shown us repeatedly that this diet has the most benefits for a wide range of diseases. Let’s take a look at 10 that we have discovered.
- A Convenient Diet Program: There is no need to buy any particular products or make a unique and hard-to-manage diet plan. If used with mild exercise, it is a great way to lose weight while staying healthy.
- Low in Saturated Fat: A person who follows this diet takes in less than eight percent of their calories from harmful saturated fat. That is significantly below the average of people who do not follow this diet program.
- High in Whole Grains and Fiber: One of the reasons this diet lowers the incidence of cancer is that the diet is rich in whole grains and dietary fiber. Both have proven to reduce the incidence of cancer, including colorectal cancer.
- High in Anti-Oxidants: Anti-oxidants play a massive role in maintaining your body. This includes organs, muscles, and skin. A diet high in anti-oxidants ensures that a person will live a longer, healthier life.
- Low in Red Meat: The diet is low in red meat, and the plan works to reduce bad cholesterol. This lessens the chances of cardiovascular disease, hypertension, and stroke.
- High in Lean Meats: A reasonable amount of lean meats, including fish and certain kinds of seafood, give you a healthy source of protein and energy.
- Low in Dairy: With the Mediterranean diet, any dairy included in the diet is low or non-fat. Because the diet is low in particularly fatty dairy products, it encourages a person to obtain or maintain an ideal weight.
- Good for Your Brain: Studies show that participants who stuck to a Mediterranean style diet for a year had a 35 % lower chance of scoring low on cognitive tests. These tests include memory and attention speed. This benefit was even seen with individuals who modestly followed the diet.
- Prevents Disease: The diet plan appears to reduce the incidence of certain diseases, including:
- Heart and cardiovascular disease
- Cancer
- Hypertension
- Protects from Diabetes: This is a reduced carb diet with a high intake of fiber, fruits, and vegetables, and it has been shown that it can lower the risk of type II diabetes. Studies found a 19% reduction in risk of diabetes by following the Mediterranean diet.
Most diets tend to be quite stressful, and studies show that most diets fail as people soon regain weight by returning to poor eating habits. Well, the Mediterranean diet is more of a lifestyle than a diet.
People living in countries by the Mediterranean sea eat fresh produce in season, and fresh fruit and vegetables are proven to have substantial health benefits.
Eating seasonal fruits and vegetables is more economical and provides a healthy alternative to processed factory foods. In other words, the body receives more healthy nutrients by eating the right food groups in season.