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7 Cancer Causing Foods You Must Avoid

Potato Chips

They are very tasty and cheap, but this little pleasure it’s not worth it. Potato chips are high in fat and calories that are a no-no when we are speaking of weight gain. Also, you may want to know that potato chips are fried in high temperatures and this causes them to make a material called acrylamide, which is a known carcinogen.

“A study done in the New England Journal of medicine found that eating just 1 once of potato chips per day caused an average 2-pound weight gain in one year. Besides being full of trans-fats which can cause high cholesterol in most people, they have excessive sodium levels which, for many people, cause high blood pressure.”

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11 thoughts on “7 Cancer Causing Foods You Must Avoid”

  1. This is excellent information. Some of the items I was aware of others I wasn’t, like canned tomatoes. Keep the info coming.

  2. Canned tomatoes? That’s a little hard to give up! Maybe I have to start buying the ones that come in
    packages like Pomi. And I guess wild salmon is better. I knew it wasn’t ideal, but I didn’t know farmed salmon
    could actually be harmful. But thank you , very illuminating article. As a breast cancer survivor (thankfully only stage 1a) I am grateful for helpful information like this.

  3. Thank you for the good article, I didn’t know farm salmon can cause cancer as I’m trying to eat to prevent those diseases I have been eating salmon almost every day

  4. I am impressed and for years I would be getting argry at my wife who go shoppong and take atleast 6 to 8 hours to shop. Why because she would take her time and read every label and she would never buy can goods to feed her family. And what I love about her uis that she would hunt for the best fresh foods, She is gone on the be with the Lord but her habits is still with us. we eat healthy. Our meat was onl fish,checkin and turkey and all fish was or had to be wild caught. Thank honey and rest in peace. Love you.

  5. I was aware of all this for years as far as making my food choices. Comments I see here are from those still unaware of toxins from canned food. I avoid all canned foods. I find glass jars to be handy for storing leftovers and other uses. I don’t commit the reasons specifically to memory, but I know what to avoid. My burning questions involve wanting to understand why such things are on the market in the first place. Sinister plot? There are lots of processed foods that are basically toxic.


    Now I know the end result of consuming these foods loaded with carcinogens, high sodium content, preservatives enhancers etc., no wonder those who persist in consuming them have sealed their fate: enlisted to the roster of hospital statistics.

  7. Thanks for the good information. I only wish you would add examples of some better foods to substitute for the cancer causing items.

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