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10 Food Staples Every Well-Stocked Kitchen Has

Photo by Sentelia from Shutterstock

6. Fermented foods

Pickles, sauerkraut, and kimchi are just a few fermented foods that last for years. On top of that, they can be paired with almost everything. These long-lasting food staples shouldn’t miss from your kitchen.

Distinct from any other long-lasting food found on this list, fermented foods boost digestive health, minimize inflammation in the body, and reduce blood sugar levels.

Do you like them more now? 

If yes, keep them at room temperature for maximizing their shelf lives.

Here’s what 35 grams of dill pickles can offer:

  • Fiber: 1 gram
  • Protein: 0 grams
  • Calories: 5
  • Fat: 0 grams
  • Carbohydrates: 0.8 grams
  • Sugar: 0 grams
  • Vitamin A: 0.9% of the DV
  • Vitamin C: 1.3% of the DV
  • Calcium: 1.5% of the DV
  • Iron: 0.5% of the DV

P.S.: Do not throw away pickle juice! It packs immune-boosting antioxidants.

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