7. Multivitamins
“Multivitamins are definitely the number one supplement that clients have been convinced that they need,” says registered holistic nutritionist Jenni Bourque, cofounder of Naughty Nutrition.
She points out that while individuals who have serious digestive problems like Crohn’s or celiac disease, or illnesses that affect the way nutrients are absorbed, may need to supplement with a multivitamin, the rest of us can forget about them.
Some vitamins and minerals compete for absorption in the body, she explains; when you have them all in one pill, you could end up missing out on key nutrients. For example, iron competes for absorption with other minerals like calcium, magnesium, and zinc.
“If you have poor nutrition, the best thing you can do for your body is to start cleaning up your diet and asking your doctor to run tests to see if you have any true deficiencies or hormonal imbalances,” she advises. “And if you have a true vitamin deficiency, it’s best that you supplement with that specific supplement to get the full benefit.”