The Best Sources of “GOOD” Carbs You Should Be Eating More Of

Photo by Nataliya Arzamasova from Shutterstock

5. Greek Yogurt

Ahh, the famous Greek yogurt again… Yes, because every single inch of it it’s pure health! Greek yogurt benefits your health in so many ways… As a matter of fact, did you know that Greek yogurt consumption is actually associated with a reduced risk of developing Alzheimer’s?

Apart from being a brainfood, Greek yogurt is also considered a better source of protein than milk. So, if you want an improved immune system, a better muscle mass as you age, and basically a boost for your overall health, opt for one of these Greek yogurts, which, according to doctors, are the best of the best.

Photo by PHTGRPHER_EVERYDAY from Shutterstock

6. Bananas

Last on our list, but certainly not the least, it’s one of the most consumed fruits on earth: bananas. They represent a great source of essential nutrients such as vitamin C, potassium, vitamin B6, and, of course, fiber. And even if they don’t contain as much fiber as oats for example, bananas are still an incredible source of fiber due to their versatility.

P.S.: The greener the bananas are, the better the content of resistant starch. And you’ll most definitely want a greater content of resistant starch as it can improve colon health, reduce insulin resistance, increase feelings of fullness and lower blood sugar levels.

Your bananas are way too ripe? Here’s what you can do!

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