The Best Sources of “GOOD” Carbs You Should Be Eating More Of

Photo by Raimunda-losantos from Shutterstock

Good vs. Bad Carbs—Know the Difference!

Carbohydrates are essential in almost all types of diets, however, not all of them are created equal, meaning that we should know the difference between good and bad carbs if we want to eat a balanced and healthy diet. As a general rule, we receive the energy we need to complete our daily chores from carbs and those carbs can be sugars, starches, and fiber.

And even if there are three main types of carbs, based on their content, they can be complex or simple. To sum things up, simple carbs are basically easy-to-digest sources of sugars and, on the other hand, complex carbs are hard-to-digest sources sugars.

Simple carbohydrates can be found in fruits and milk, which is great, since they are actually natural sources of sugars, but, they can also be added in the vast majority of no-so-healthy foods (candies, baked goods, and soda). And because sugar itself has many different names, it can be hard sometimes to select the good from the bad.

Complex carbohydrates that are found in whole grains, legumes, and starchy vegetables are great for our health. Wondering why? Well… they give us a more consistent source of energy than simple carb sources. Meaning that your body will need more time to break down the sugars.

The bottom line: Carbs in general should be part of a healthy diet, however, make sure to take a closer look at what you choose, because there are some carbs you may want to skip. Let’s find out together what you should opt for when it comes to good-for-your-health carbs.

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