10 Foods I Ate to Reduce Stress and So Can You

Photo by Aedka Studio from Shutterstock

1. Matcha powder

Although it is not as popular among ordinary people, wellness gurus are really excited when they hear about this green tea powder. Because it is rich in L-theanine, matcha powder offers stress-relieving qualities.

In fact, when compared to other types of green tea, matcha powder has the highest amounts of the amino acid called L-theanine.

Several human studies concluded that matcha powder minimizes stress levels due to its L-theanine content. In a two-week study, 36 individuals who consumed matcha cookies every day significantly reduced the biomarker of stress (salivary alpha-amylase) compared to those who took placebo pills.

Photo by teleginatania from Shutterstock

2. Swiss chard

Packed with stress-relieving properties, swiss chard should be the best leafy green veggies of both 2020 and 2021. Approximately 175 grams of cooked Swiss chard contain almost 36 percent of the recommended daily intake when it comes to magnesium.

And if you wonder why I’m talking about magnesium, bear in mind that this mineral is essential in relieving stress. Inadequate amounts of magnesium are actually associated with serious health conditions, such as panic attacks and anxiety.

On top of that, when we are stressed, the amounts of magnesium stored by our bodies seem to decrease rapidly. So, it’s really important to consume magnesium-rich foods when you’re dealing with stressful periods of time.

Related article: 5 Foods That Are More Than Just Magnesium Rich

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