10 Foods I Ate to Reduce Stress and So Can You

Photo by LENA GABRILOVICH from Shutterstock

5. Artichokes

This veggie is highly concentrated in fiber and prebiotics, and we already know that the latter is essential for maintaining gut health. The most important prebiotics artichokes pack is probably fructooligosaccharides (FOSs).

Several studies pointed out that fructooligosaccharides are particularly good for reducing stress levels. In fact, a recent review has indicated that people who consume at least 5 grams of prebiotics every single day could see an improvement in symptoms associated with depression and anxiety.

Plus, artichokes are incredible sources of magnesium, potassium, and vitamins like K and C, and all are crucial for a proper stress response.

Photo by Joerg Beuge from Shutterstock

6. Organ meats

It may sound surprising, but organ meats such as kidneys, heart, and liver of chickens and cows are particularly good when it comes to controlling stress levels. Why? Because all of them contain B vitamins like riboflavin, B12, and B6, and folate.

Since B vitamins are responsible for producing the two neurotransmitters that regulate mood (serotonin and dopamine), you might want to add organ meats to your shopping list.

However, if you don’t like them, you can take B vitamin supplements, but talk to your doctor first.

Fact: Approximately 85 grams of beef liver contains more than 50 percent of the recommended daily intake for folate and vitamin B6, more than 200 percent when it comes to riboflavin and, as insane it may sound, over 2,000 percent of the recommended daily intake for vitamin B12.

Yeah, I definitely like eating organ meats more now…

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