7. Savvy Drinks Diet
Yes, there’s a diet that has nothing to do with foods, because certain drinks can also play a huge role in minimizing the risk of developing cancer. For example, did you know that coffee can reduce the risk of endometrial cancer and liver cancer?
“Human intervention trials and observational population studies suggest that this may stem from phytocompounds in coffee supporting antioxidant and anti-inflammatory defenses against cancer, and could also [be] related to improved insulin sensitivity and reduced circulating levels of insulin,” Collins says.
However, not all coffees are created equal. So, based on how you drink your morning cup of Joe, it could be good or bad for your health. Steer clear of whipped cream, sugary flavorings, or chocolate—they are definitely a no-no for your waistline.
Also, when referring to preventing your risk of cancer, try to avoid as much as possible sugar-sweetened drinks like soda, lemonades, iced teas, and other juices . “Limiting sugar-sweetened drinks is one of the AICR Cancer Prevention Recommendations because they increase [the] risk of weight gain and unhealthy levels of body fat that are linked with adiposity-related cancers,” Collins says.
As we already said, alcohol should also be avoided. “Cancers most clearly linked to alcohol are breast, esophageal, colorectal, liver, and laryngeal cancers,” Collins says.