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These Are the Best Herbs and Supplements for Diabetes!

Photo by Monika Sakowska from Shutterstock

4. Prickly pear cactus

  • Main use: Lowering blood sugar
  • Typical dosage: If you eat it as a food, aim for 1⁄2 cup of cooked cactus fruit a day. Otherwise, follow label directions.

The ripe fruit of this cactus has been shown in some small studies, including a 2017 animal study published in Evidence-based Complementary and Alternative Medicine, that found the fruit to lower blood sugar ­levels in diabetic rats.

However, as you probably know, the results of animal studies are not always transferable to humans. You may be able to buy the fruit in your grocery store, but if you can’t find it there, look for it as a juice or powder at health food stores. The best part? Prickly pear cactus is also high in fiber.

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