Too Much Protein In Your Diet? Here Are 11 Signs

Photo by Tatjana Baibakova at Shutterstock

What’s Wrong With Protein?

Protein plays a critical role in our body’s mechanism. Including energy, building and repairing tissues, processing nutrients, and, most importantly, boosting our immunity. It’s made up of amino acids that make up hair, muscles, skin, nails, and blood vessels.

It’s also responsible for the production of hormones and enzymes that help our body function correctly. But can there be too much of it in your diet? Science and nutrition experts say yes! Research recommends an intake between .8 grams per kilogram of body weight, up to just under a gram per pound of bodyweight.

High protein diets are a huge trend nowadays, thanks to their excellent health-promoting properties. Especially for those looking to lose weight, they help increase your metabolic rate and help you feel full for longer, and avoid hunger pangs.

But does this mean that we can easily skip following the recommended amount of protein in our diet? Excess consumption of it may reverse its positive effects. Click “next” below and let’s look at 11 signs that indicate you are consuming way too much protein.

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2 thoughts on “Too Much Protein In Your Diet? Here Are 11 Signs”

  1. I was totally lost. I have most of the symptoms you mention. Constipation being the worst. I thought I was supposed to eat a lot of protein for energy which I still do not have. I also think it was caused by a medicine I take for my diabetes. I was losing weight which I was doing good but have stopped losing and feel bloated.

  2. Great article on high-protein diets. I am so trying to lose 50 pounds (at the age of 75) and I have been leaning toward fewer carbs and replacing them with protein. Good advice. Thank you.

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