Too Much Protein In Your Diet? Here Are 11 Signs

Photo by Andrey_Popov at Shutterstock

Bad Breath
Low-carb diets are commonly higher in protein. If your balance is off, you might get a bad breath as a result. Studies on the effectiveness and safety of low-carb diets in adolescents say that thirst, bad breath, and dry mouth were common side effects of following the program.
Pro tip: The experts of The Magazine for Dental Hygiene Professionals recommend using a tongue scraper, brushing regularly, and using a mouth rinse to fight bad breath that may accompany a higher protein, lower carb diet.

High Cholesterol 
High protein does not mean excess consumption of eggs, dairy, and poultry, responsible for raising your bad cholesterol. For excess intake, you can switch to low-fat milk, egg whites, and plant-based proteins like beans, lentils, and tofu, for example.

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2 thoughts on “Too Much Protein In Your Diet? Here Are 11 Signs”

  1. I was totally lost. I have most of the symptoms you mention. Constipation being the worst. I thought I was supposed to eat a lot of protein for energy which I still do not have. I also think it was caused by a medicine I take for my diabetes. I was losing weight which I was doing good but have stopped losing and feel bloated.

  2. Great article on high-protein diets. I am so trying to lose 50 pounds (at the age of 75) and I have been leaning toward fewer carbs and replacing them with protein. Good advice. Thank you.

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