These 7 Foods Make You More Hungry

As crazy as it sounds, some foods can make you hungrier. And that’s mainly because “certain foods can signal your body to store them as fat, rather than use them for fuel,” says David Perlmutter, MD, a board-certified neurologist and author of Brain Maker. So, if your stomach always seems to growl, blame it on these foods:

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1. Toast with jelly

If you consume carbs for breakfast, especially when you opt for white, refined grains, your blood sugar will eventually spike and dip. “Low blood sugar after a meal can easily cause hunger,” says Raleigh, North Carolina-based registered dietitian Laura Schoenfeld.

And even if your morning option is whole-wheat toast, you still need to combine it with fat or protein in order to slow its digestion. That’s why you should aim to eat at least 3 ounces of protein at breakfast. Some excellent sources of protein are almonds, eggs, chicken breast, tuna, quinoa, oats, smoked fish, milk, or a little turkey bacon.

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