Scientists List Their Top 40 Most Nutritious Foods

Image By Natalia Lisovskaya From Shutterstock

As the coronavirus pandemic passes it’s 5th month in the US (the first known case of COVID-19 was confirmed in the Pacific Northwest state of Washington on January 20th) and the numbers make for ever more grim reading (as of the writing of this article it’s 2,504,676 confirmed cases and sadly 126,785 deaths), our health and wellbeing is pulling into sharp focus, now more than anything.

The proverb ‘you are what you eat’ may have came from an 1826 essay on gastronome by French lawyer and politician Jean Anthelme Brillat-Savarin, but 194 years later in our current climate, it’s meaning has lost none of its potency.

And just as science will eventually free us from this viral nightmare, science can also provide us with clear and concise guidelines about which foods offer the most benefits to our bodies. Scientists studied more than 1,000 foods, giving each a nutritional score. The higher the score, the more likely each food would meet, but not exceed your daily nutritional requirements, when eaten in combination with others.

So, dear reader, with that in mind, let’s take a look at the top 40 most nutritious foods. See how many have made their way onto your plate and how many soon will be.


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