Ready to Eat Your Water? Here Are 18 Super Hydrating Foods

Photo by bhofack2 from Envato Elements

3. Cantaloupe

Water content: 90%

Cantaloupe is a type of melon that provides numerous health benefits when consumed regularly. Around 177 grams of fresh cantaloupe translates to approximately 118 ml of water (a half-cup).

From 177 grams of cantaloupe, you’ll also get 2 grams of fiber. Accompanied by water, fiber reduces hunger by supporting fullness. Besides, this tasty round fruit is also rich in vitamin A. To be more specific, a 177-gram serving provides 120 percent of your daily vitamin A needs.

And when we know that vitamin A is responsible for boosting our immune system, we should definitely try to eat cantaloupe more often.

Not sure how can you include it in your diet? Then, thank God, it’s a versatile fruit! Apart from being a great addition to your salads, yogurts, salsas, and smoothies, cantaloupe is also excellent when consumed as a side dish. For instance… how does a grilled shrimp with cantaloupe avocado salsa sounds like?

Photo by Yakov_Oskanov from Envato Elements

4. Peaches

Water content: 89%

If saying ‘you’re a peach’ is a good thing, then they must be good for our health. No, we are not going bananas. 🙂 We are just trying to say that peaches contain numerous essential minerals and vitamins such as potassium, vitamin C, vitamin A, and B vitamins. And of course, they are water-rich.

What is equally important to know is that you shouldn’t remove the skin. The skin itself has several antioxidants that may benefit your health.

Just like the foods we’ve already mentioned, peaches are filling, as well as very low in calories. A medium-sized peach packs only 60 calories, making them the perfect snack for those who are trying to lose weight.

Throw them in your morning Greek yogurt or add a bright peach color to your fresh green salads.

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1 thought on “Ready to Eat Your Water? Here Are 18 Super Hydrating Foods”

  1. Very helpful and well documented. I will share this with all my friends and family. Thank you and may we all have a year of recovery and peace.

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