Ready to Eat Your Water? Here Are 18 Super Hydrating Foods

Photo by duskbabe from Envato Elements

7. Cucumber

Water content: 95%

Another water-rich food you must include in your diet in order to achieve your water intake goals is cucumber. (But don’t eat them after you’ve put them on your face!)

Cucumbers are almost fully made of water, offering a small portion of nutrients (magnesium, potassium, and vitamin K).

However, when compared to other hydrating vegetables, cucumbers are actually the lowest in calories. A 52-gram serving can brag about with just 8 calories. Plus, you don’t have to worry about how to incorporate them into your diet.

Sandwiches, salads, smoothies, soups, sauce—you name it!

Photo by mythja from Envato Elements

8. Lettuce

Water content: 96%

This green leafy vegetable is most definitely a nutritional powerhouse! Around 72 grams of fresh lettuce can offer us more than 60 ml of water, as well as one gram of fiber. The same quantity provides about 5 percent of our daily needs for vitamin B9, namely folate.

Folate has been shown to minimize the risk of developing heart disease, as well as promoting brain health, preventing depression and anxiety, delaying the aging process, boosting liver health, and preserving bone health.

It is also essential for women who are about to give birth, as it can prevent certain birth defects.

The mix between its water and fiber intake makes lettuce consumption excellent for those who are trying to lose some pounds as fast as possible.

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1 thought on “Ready to Eat Your Water? Here Are 18 Super Hydrating Foods”

  1. Very helpful and well documented. I will share this with all my friends and family. Thank you and may we all have a year of recovery and peace.

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