Major Therapies for Eating Disorder Treatment

Eating healthy is a basic thing for good health. But ever you think of eating more? many might think that and did it so. But how long this stuffing goes on? Some say when I have a favorite food, some would say if I happened to have tasty food at that time I will eat more. But the situation here we are going to discuss is slightly a different one, this not only involves your food habit alone, but this also takes a step ahead to deal with your physical and mental health.

Yep! Here we are going to discuss the eating disorder. You might think it is a very casual to munch something if we feel bored or you feel relaxed by having a meal when you are stressed or tensed in a situation. For some, this might happen sometimes and it is very casual, but think of these things in your daily habit. Definitely no, it is really not a casual thing and it is definitely an eating disorder.

Types of Eating Disorder:

There are mainly 3 kinds of an eating disorder, which spoils your physical health more and more.

Anorexia – People who were over conscious about their weight management and starve up to the core or take tablets or exercise vigorously to maintain their shape.

Bulimia – These kind of people are very destructive to themselves, they munch on food more. Either they vomit the food or take some laxatives to maintain their weight. Really this condition is too dangerous.

Binge Eating Disorder – People with this disorder often eat when they feel stress or guilt. Even if they feel full they can’t avoid munching on the food. This worsens their health a lot.
There are many treatment therapies available to treat this, but when you deeply jump into this, it is not only the physical habit you require to change, it is to deal with or heal your internal emotions or wounds.

Major Types of Therapies for Eating Disorders:

Are you concerned about your disorder and thinking about how to Stop eating disorder? Here we have listed some of the major therapies which help to identify and treat the eating disorders

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) – Form of psychotherapy deals with the negative behavioral patterns of a person.

Medical Nutrition Therapy – In this therapy, Dietitian educates the patient about the relationship between body & food, provide them with a good diet plan.

Dance Movement Therapy – In this therapy, they heal the person with the help of guided expression and movements.

Equine Therapy – It is also a form of psychotherapy, which majorly uses horses to increase a bond between human and animals to heal with emotional situations.

Exposure and Response Prevention Therapy (ERP) – This treatment especially for the eating disorder it helps the person to overcome the fear of forbidden foods or decrease urges to binge/purge.

Family Therapy – Family is always an important thing and its value is recognized more in this kind of therapy. It promotes the healing of the sufferer who has eating disorders

Dialectical Behavioral Therapy (DBT) – This is also a form of psychotherapy majorly deals with the personality disorder and helps to handle the level of stress, conflict negative thoughts, and emotions.

Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) – This therapy helps to understand one’s situation and accept reality. That is nothing but gives you emotional and intellectual a stronger and healthier relationship.

Art Therapy – It uses art as a media to deal with the person’s thoughts, feelings, and personal stories. It is also a form of psychotherapy which includes activities like painting, drawing, clay making, and sculpting.

Interpersonal Psychotherapy (IPT) – The major focus of this kind of therapy is to help a person to handle their interpersonal problems & deficits, unresolved grief and etc.

The Maudsley Method – This kind of treatment method majorly deals with parents for their affected children. They ask their parents to follow a strict diet habit, focus more on healthy foods and getting them away from exercising vigorously.

Identifying an eating disorder is itself a difficult task, but once it is identified a proper medical therapy should be followed in order to be away from further health disasters in the future. The reason for this eating disorder might be different for different persons, traveling deep into the cause and identifying the problem is the most important part of this therapy.

With the identified root cause, the relevant treatment should be followed regularly which is given in the rehab centers in Louisville to heal your situations and emotions and better deal with your problems. So eat healthily, maintain your calories, regular exercise and proper therapy make you stay fit and strong for a long period of time.

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