Is Banana Good or Bad for Diabetics? (Here’s Your Answer!)

Photo by bhofack2 from Envato Elements

3. Unripe (green) bananas are particularly good for diabetic sufferers

Unlike ripe bananas, green ones pack less sugar and more resistant starch. Resistant starches function the same way as fiber, meaning that they slow digestion. Eating unripe bananas is a safe way to enjoy them while assuring you’re gonna be okay in terms of blood sugar control.

Moreover, resistant starches may even boost the friendly bacteria found in your gut. Good gut bacteria is often linked to better blood sugar control as well as improved metabolic health.

According to the findings of a study conducted recently, type 2 diabetes participants who ate more resistant starches for about 8 weeks had better blood sugar control than those who didn’t. Another study found that people with type 2 diabetes saw an improvement in insulin sensitivity, as well as inflammation.

However, when it comes to type 1 diabetes, more research is needed to understand the role of resistant starches in a patient’s diet.

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5 thoughts on “Is Banana Good or Bad for Diabetics? (Here’s Your Answer!)”

  1. Yes banana’s are good for those of us who are diabetic’s regardless of what type of diabetes we are suffering from. Now as for me I’m a diabetic type 2 and banana’s are on my shopping list too, but I always count my calories and carbohydrates too so I can control my diabetes also

  2. I’m a type 2 diabetic, and I eat one banana a day. I look at it this way….I could be eating a doughnut, so……

  3. I like bananas so much. All my life I have been friends with the bananas. Also have diabetes. Portion size is important oh so important.

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